Meet our Amazing FOMP Volunteer: Virginia Hayes

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy…when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” – Anonymous

I started volunteering in McMichael Park when the Millennium Grove was established along with Two Kousa Dogwoods as part of the “Gift for All Seasons” program. The day after the trees were planted a motorcycle driver lost control of his bike and jump the curb and hit one of the brand new trees. I knew the trees were going to need help. I tend to the tree pits, watered and mulched them for years and now…. it is twenty years later and the trees are thriving.

I am not always able to officially participate in the service days. I do more cleaning up in the park after windy days and storms as needed. I will be over there cleaning up the dogwoods this spring. I am more inclined to take care of things as I see the need.

I’ve lived park side since 1979 and have loved having such a beautiful view from my front patio. Our boys and their friends spent hours in the park playing volleyball and football, and enjoying the freedom of open space.I grew up in a small town where having access to green areas is a common asset.

For me to have such an opportunity in the city, is truly a gift. I hope it remains just as it is.

One thought on “Meet our Amazing FOMP Volunteer: Virginia Hayes

  1. What a lovely story about how you have tended the trees for all these years! Thank you for sharing your memories and the shared love of our beautiful open green space.


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